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Welcome to the world of JAMALPUR GYMKHANA First things first :-) What is JAMALPUR GYMKHANA ? Is it a hostel? Is it a club? Is it an institute? The heartless might have the audacity to label it as one of the many hostels for engineering students, unique only for it's godforsaken location {(Jamalpur, District Munger), Bihar, India}. Save this, there's hardly anything they would find SPECIAL about it, never mind the fact that it's inhabitants are SPECIAL CLASS Railway Apprentices!! But for US, those who have been privileged to be a part of it, it's HOME; a home, where we spend 4 fantastic years of our life. To know Gym is to love Gym !!!
This site has been created by Deepak Sapra, 1992 Batch on 18/10/1998.
More about Deepak Sapra